Follow Our New Marketing Campaign

For the next few weeks, CheepCheep Postcards and Cheep Cheep Websites are creating a new marketing campaign for our 25th Anniversary. We are pumping up the look of our mascots-“The Cheeps” and you can watch our progress. This past week we started the project by redrawing our Cheep Chicks. Sometimes an idea comes and you have to write it down immediately. Many ideas are first drawn on a napkin or scrap paper… in this case, it was a mailer found in a magazine. The idea came in the middle of the night and it was the closest paper to put a thought down. See how we started from there? Our drawings started out a bit rounder Superheroes, but then thought we needed to create them to be buff and muscular.


And here is where we are with the mascot drawings, today.



The first place our “Cheeps” will appear is in our Blog and Facebook marketing. We hope you’ll follow along to see how the process is done to create a new marketing campaign. Next week, we will be updating a new look for our Blog to match our superhero chicks and announce our 25th year in business.